
Industry News

February 15, 2019

Alert – Auto Debt Relief Program

Good afternoon, MMDA Dealer Members,

Please be aware of the following scam marketing campaign which is currently being directed at Dealers in Saskatchewan. As in Saskatchewan, Manitoba businesses found to be committing an unfair business practice such as deceiving, misleading or taking advantage of a consumer are in breach of The Business Practices Act could face regulatory action.

If any Manitoba dealers are approached by this company please contact the MMDA immediately.

Geoff Sine
Executive Director
Manitoba Motor Dealers Association

[email protected]

Saskatchewan Notice: Misleading Auto-debt relief program

It has been brought to the attention of the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan (“FCAA”) that there is a marketing company attempting to do business with Saskatchewan vehicle dealers by promoting the “Auto Debt Relief Program” (attached).

The advertisement for this “program” contains unfair business practices as described in The Consumer Protection and Business Practices Act (the “Act”) and appears to imply an affiliation with the Alberta Motor Vehicle Industry Council (“AMVIC”), the vehicle dealer regulator in Alberta. AMVIC has advised FCAA that it is not affiliated with these advertisements. The advertisement further suggests that a consumer has a “chance to pay off all your households automotive debt instantly”. However, in the fine print the advertisement indicates only to a maximum amount of $25,000 and that the cash back and relief credit are on purchase only”.